Thriving Special Families

Help for Selective & Picky Eaters

April 26, 2021 Crystal Sanford, M.Ed., M.A. CCC-SLP Season 1 Episode 19

Does your child with special needs have a significantly limited diet? Does your child refuse to eat foods that have color? Do they struggle with constipation? Need help?

Learn tips from our guest, Autism expert and board certified dietitian, Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD, CLT (

Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD, CLT
Brittyn Coleman is a Registered Dietitian based in San Francisco, CA specializing
in biomedical nutrition and functional medicine for children with ASD, ADHD, and
other neurodevelopmental disorders through her private practice, Autism
Dietitian. She helps parents across the US take the guesswork out of special diets,
supplement recommendations, and lifestyle changes to feel their best, and
therefore, do their best, and be their best.

Her approach is focused on addressing the root cause, not just treating the
symptoms. She uses biomedical labs to make recommendations based on results,
not suspicions. She is a sibling of an individual with autism and is dedicated to
helping parents all over the world lay the groundwork for proper nutrition for
their children all across the Spectrum.

Crystal Sanford, M.Ed.. M.A. CCC-SLP
The owner and director of Sanford Autism Consulting (​), a consulting practice offering IEP advocacy and parent empowerment classes for fellow special needs families throughout the U.S. Crystal specializes in supporting fellow families impacted by Autism, as well as other unique challenges such as learning disabilities and ADHD. To learn more about IEP assistance and help advocating for the special education your child deserves, contact Crystal at

Want to schedule a 20-minute FREE consultation with Crystal? Get empowered! 

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